Standing beneath a portrait of 16th US president Abraham Lincoln,  President Barack Obama delivers a statement from the White House in Washington, DC, September 18, 2014. (Photo credit should read JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images)
Standing beneath a portrait of 16th Us president Abraham Lincoln, President Barack Obama delivers a statement from the White House in Washington, DC, September 18, 2014. (JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images)

As we gloat President's Day, it is the perfect time to consider some of the leadership traits that made Abraham Lincoln one of the groovy presidents in American history. While the moving-picture show Lincoln is getting pregnant praise, I recently started reading the bookTeam of Rivals by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Doris Kearns Goodwin, 1 of the almost comprehensive books about Lincoln and his extraordinary leadership ability.

Lincoln's leadership traits have stood the test of time and while not perfect as a leader Abraham Lincoln demonstrated the post-obit characteristics from which all of us tin can continue to learn.

Lincoln was confident plenty in himself and his ability to pull into his inner circle many of his rivals who were his worst enemies at an before time. Some of these same men, particularly William Henry Seward (who was Lincoln's main rival in 1860 and afterwards became his Secretary of State) wound up being his most trusted advisor. Too many leaders environs themselves with people who simply tell the leader what he or she wants to hear and are not secure enough to bring in other strong leaders, much less previous rivals.

Consider this passage from Kearns Goodwin's book, which includes a combination of Lincoln'due south extraordinary leadership traits

"His personal qualities enabled him to form friendships with men who had previously opposed him; to repair injured feelings that, left untended, might have escalated into permanent hostility; to assume responsibility for the failures of subordinates, to share credit with ease, and to learn from mistakes."

Kearns Goodwin'due south volume and other historical accounts of Lincoln are filled with examples of him consistently trying to observe ways to detect common ground with those who opposed him. Farther, Lincoln demonstrated the Harry Truman leadership philosophy of "the buck stops here" on a regular basis. Likewise many leaders are caught up in playing the "blame game" when things get wrong, while Lincoln saw mistakes made by those on his team as ultimately his responsibility.

Lincoln was extremely "cocky aware" as Kearns Goodwin says, meaning he understood that he had the potential to have serious mood shifts. Similar all leaders, he could get angry, but Lincoln had the uncanny ability to empathize that the style he communicated his anger toward those effectually him was critical to his success. When Lincoln was especially angry he had a addiction of writing a letter to the person he was angry with and setting it bated, often non sending it, but rather expressing those emotions on paper. Further, when Lincoln did verbally communicate his anger, he would quickly endeavour to resolve the state of affairs, refusing to allow unresolved conflict to fester.

One of Lincoln's greatest leadership traits was his sense of integrity and his stiff belief in his principles. Manifestly he was willing to compromise; however, those effectually him could be confident his cadre principles would not change from twenty-four hours to solar day depending upon the circumstances effectually him or his perceived popularity at the time. Such leadership inspires the loyalty, dedication and confidence of those around y'all.

Finally, Lincoln'southward communication skills were extraordinary. He was non a slick or even a bully public speaker. Further, Lincoln refused to speak in public without a prepared text. However, Lincoln's greatest gift as a communicator was that about people believed that HE believed what he was saying. In many ways that is where the expression "Honest Abe" came from. When people believe that YOU believe, it speaks volumes about your ability as a leader to become them to follow.

What leadership traits of Lincoln or other great presidents do you think are worth mentioning on this President'due south Day weekend? Write to me at

Lincoln's Leadership Traits

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