
iPhone SE 3 or iPhone SE Plus 5G - what will Apple name its next phone?

iPhone SE iii or iPhone SE Plus 5G - what will Apple name its next phone?

iPhone SE 2020
An iPhone SE (2020) (Image credit: Futurity)

Nosotros're expecting the iPhone SE 3 to land soon, with rumors suggesting a launch former between March and May, only when it does launch it probably won't do then as the iPhone SE iii.

That's not surprising – that's never been Apple's naming scheme for the range, we've simply been using it to make it articulate it'southward the third model. The name nosotros were actually expecting was only the iPhone SE, or the iPhone SE (2022), following on from the iPhone SE (2020). Except it'due south now looking like that might not be its proper noun either.

For a long time nosotros've been hearing rumors of an iPhone SE Plus, and while this was thought to be a different phone in the SE range (perchance 1 that could land aslope an iPhone SE iii), a recent leak suggests that the iPhone SE 3 will actually launch every bit the iPhone SE Plus 5G. But will it really?

There's plenty of push button for Plus

There'south no shortage of leaks and rumors around an iPhone SE Plus or an iPhone SE Plus 5G. We get-go heard of an iPhone SE Plus all the way dorsum in early 2020, before the iPhone SE (2020) had fifty-fifty landed.

Since then, leaks about this phone take periodically popped up, with the most recent ones suggesting information technology will land in 2022, and with suspiciously similar specs to what we were expecting from the iPhone SE 3, including a screen and 5G.

And so, we heard that the side by side iPhone SE model would launch this year every bit the iPhone SE Plus 5G.

No names that don't include Plus appear to accept been put forward, with the majority of the leaks only referring to a new iPhone SE or like, without being clear on whether that's the actual name or just how they're referring to it in the absenteeism of ane.

An iPhone SE (2020) on a wooden surface

The next iPhone SE could be the start of a new naming scheme (Image credit: Futurity)

The problem with Plus

Based on all that it seems the case for the iPhone SE Plus or iPhone SE Plus 5G is compelling, merely there are some bug with that proper noun too.

For one thing, historically Apple has used the Plus suffix to announce a larger screen, as in the iPhone viii Plus for instance, which was bigger than the iPhone 8. However most of the leaks nosotros're hearing so far suggest that this new iPhone SE will have a 4.7-inch screen, merely like the current model.

That said, Apple has at present moved on to using the suffix Max to describe bigger screens, so perhaps information technology's repurposing the word Plus, though doing and then however seems a bit disruptive and unnecessary.

Indeed, nosotros can't see why the give-and-take is needed at all for this new phone, given that Apple already had a perfectly expert naming scheme for the range – every bit noted, it could just refer to the new model as the iPhone SE, the iPhone SE 5G, or the iPhone SE (2022). Or it could follow the chief iPhone range and employ numbers, bringing u.s. back to the iPhone SE iii.

Any of those options would seem to make more sense than putting Plus in the name.

A red iPhone SE (2020) resting on greenery

Despite our issues, a Plus is probably on the manner (Image credit: Future)

Our prediction

While nosotros have serious issues with the phone beingness chosen the iPhone SE Plus 5G (especially if it does stick with the same screen size as rumored), that, or mayhap just the iPhone SE Plus, is our all-time guess for the name.

It's the just name that'south been properly rumored, and we're probably quite close to launch at present, then we'd think some leakers would know what they're talking nigh by at present.

In that location is also i way nosotros can see that the Plus proper name might brand sense, and that'southward if Apple continues selling the iPhone SE (2020) alongside it. That style, y'all could get the erstwhile model at a likely clay cheap toll, or upgrade to the Plus model for 5G and a power boost.

Then, when Apple tree properly overhauls the phone as it'south rumored to be doing in 2023 or 2024, with a model said to exist launching with a modern design, it could market place that i as a truly new iPhone SE, rather than just a Plus version of the 2020 model.

And then perchance that's Apple's plan. Or maybe it's merely dropped the ball on the naming of this telephone – and it wouldn't be the get-go time, given what a mouthful iPhone 13 Pro Max is. Simply either way, it looks probable that a Plus is on the mode.

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James Rogerson

James is a freelance phones, tablets and wearables writer and sub-editor at TechRadar. He has a honey for everything 'smart', from watches to lights, and tin can oft be constitute arguing with AI assistants or drowning in the latest apps.


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