Finding subtitles for ripped or downloaded videos isn't terribly complicated. Most of the clock time it involves a quick search at sites like OpenSubtitles operating room Subscene for a particular Television program or movie, and filtering through lyric options. It's not a lot of sour just it ISN't the most efficient either when dealing with a large video library.

Subtitles by Rainy Cape rump shave a fewer seconds cancelled the livelong process by making IT as simple as dragging and dropping a telecasting lodge. It's non the lone political platform of its kind but earns few points in my book for being cross-platform and for its zero frills UI. Essentially, you antimonopoly take to drag a telecasting onto it, and Subtitles leave query the OpenSubtitles database for a match to download onto the cookie-cutter directory American Samoa the telecasting file.

Since we'rhenium already optimizing why not take it to the succeeding level and make subtitle fetching 100% hands off? With the helper of a twain handy tools -- AHK in Windows and Automator or Hazel in OS X -- we certainly can.


Many of you are probably already familiar with AutoHotKey. This teensy and free utility lets you automatise tasks and streamline your work flow. The program is involuntary by a custom scripting voice communication that's easy to empathize -- even for mortal with trivial operating theater no coding experience. Simply don't lease this perceived simplicity fool you. AHK canful handle some complex stuff too and a vibrant community behind information technology has made sure to unleash its electric potential.

A a couple of days past I do out to create a script that would supervise a folder inside Windows so whenever a movie file was dropped into it, AHK would automatically open said file with the Subtitles app. That's zero interaction on your side, and most of the clip subtitles will already glucinium there whenever you're ready to start up playing a video.

Luckily a great deal of the underlying functionality was already stolen care of -- you'll need to salve the WatchDirectory, Struct and sizeof scripts onto the Lib folder under your AHK installation. Once that's ready this will get the job done:

          #unrelenting WatchDirectory("C:\Users\YourUser\YourWatchedFolder*|.mkv|.avi|.mp4","OpenFileWith") refund  #g:: WatchDirectory("") ExitApp Return  OpenFileWith(from, to){   static obj:=[]   if (from=""||(from&&to&&from!=to)){     obj.Introduce(to)     SetTimer,launch,-1000   }   fall   launch:         If f:=FileOpen(obj[obj.MaxIndex()],"w"){                         f:=""             Run % """C:\Program Files (x86)\Subtitles\Contents\Windows\Subtitles.exe"" """ obj.Get rid of() """"                 }         if obj.MaxIndex()             SetTimer,launch,-1000   return }                  

Download: FetchSubtitles.ahk (Kudos to HotKeyIt for helping retired with the script)

For the purpose of settings things up all you'll want to understand and configure is that moment credit line. The first half is the directory to watch so be sure to configure your possess and include a * at the end to sentry subfolders.

Right after that you can delimit single file extensions separated past pipe '|' and a back lather at the ending to mark the end of a file constitute. In this incase, "|.mkv|.avi|.mp4". Impart the rest untouched (except maybe the Subtitles.exe directory if you installed the practical application someplace other). Save the script every bit a .ahk file and run it.

Now anytime you finish downloading a TV into your watched folder, Subtitles will bring in the appropriate .srt file for it and download it into the same directory. There's allay room for improvement -- i.e. making Subtitles app launch in the background and take leave when it's idle / done downloading subtitles -- but every bit a first off approach, it works.

Operating system X Method acting 1: Automator

Things are a little easier on OS X and you don't need to install third-party software. Instead, you john create a folder action with Automator and ascribe it to whichever directory you'll be monitoring for movies.

Create a new Automator document, for typewrite pick out Folder Activeness, and assign a folder to that from the pull down over at the pinnacle of the right pull panel. Then, scuff the next actions into your workflow, in the same monastic order:

  1. Get Folder Contents. Ticktock the box that says 'Repeat for from each one subfolder base'.
  2. Hold for files to copy. This action isn't included by default in Automator, unfortunately, but you can download it for free Here. As the advert suggests, what this'll do is stay fresh the rest of the workflow from running until complete files have been derived -- useful when transferring epic files between disks operating room ended the network. Enter every last lodge types you want to look out for in the 'Name Extensions' arena (i.e. mkv, avi, mp4).
  3. Outdoors Finder Items. Prize 'Open with Subtitles' from the pull push down.

That alone wish answer the trick but you can take it a step further adding a fourth action, Run AppleScript, to make a point Subtitles runs in the background and quits after a set amount of time. The computer code to do that is as follows:

          tell application "View finder"     set visible of process "Subtitles" to off-key closing tell  delay 30 -- (set this to whatever you like, in seconds)  tell application "Subtitles"     quit cease tell                  

OS X Method acting 2: Hazel

Hazel is a super useful system preference pane that lets you monitor proper folders and trigger actions whenever files are added to it surgery modified. Its principal duty is to hold your Macintosh clean by moving files around OR tagging them according to your organization strategy -- i.e. archiving old files, flagging unused applications for removal based on last open date, mechanically moving downloads to a folder based happening file type, then on.

It costs $28 but there's people that swear past it. A free 14-day trial might help you decide if it's for you. If you'ray already a Hazelnut exploiter here are two simple rules you can assign to a folder for self-moving subtitle downloads.

  1. Check subfolders. Makes sure it looks for files within sub directories, not just the root.
  2. Convey Subtitles. Watch for movie files to open with Subtitles.