
Unique Words Related To Photography

Review this listing of unique words if y'all want to audio super educated and impress your friends with your fancy linguistic communication skills. No matter how learned you are, you'll find dozens of words beneath that you've never Ever heard of. Add them to your vocabulary or just skim for fun.

If yous want to expand your vocabulary, this list is just what you need. It volition teach y'all plenty of new words you tin use in everyday conversations. Here are some of the virtually unique words in the English language:

Unique Words You Should Start Using

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Unsplash / Brett Jordan

If yous desire to educate yourself, you can find words in the dictionary. But you can also find them right here!


A full-length, sleeveless outer garment worn by Arabs.


The 4th breadbasket of a ruminant, such every bit a cow or sheep.


To leave somewhere abruptly.


A unique give-and-take that means boosted.


A powerful jinn or demon in Arabian and Muslim mythology.


A group of museums and other cultural institutions in South Kensington in London, named after Prince Albert.

Unique Words


A Castilian palace or fortress.


A phrase or sentence that is grammatically ambiguous, such asShe sees more than of her children than her husband.


A mythical serpent with a head at each end.


Winding or circuitous.


Resembling an eel.


The death of cells which occurs as a normal part of an organism'south growth or development.


Breezy an ignorant or unsophisticated person.


Copious but meaningless talk or writing.


Vigilant, referring to Argos, a Greek mythological watchman with a hundred optics.




An implement used for sprinkling holy h2o in religious ceremonies.


An eroded remnant of a large, ancient crater made by the impact of a meteorite or comet.

Attic salt

Refined, incisive wit.


The casting off of a limb or other part of the torso by an animal under threat, such as a lizard.


A hooligan.


A sticky grooming used for setting hair.

Unique Words


A humorous excessive admiration of Shakespeare.


Illusory or imaginary and therefore disappointing.

Barn burner

A very exciting or dramatic event, especially a sports competition; outset used of an exceptionally good hand at bridge.


A large political party or trip the light fantastic toe.


Scottish a coin of low value.


The flora and fauna on the lesser of a sea or lake.


A type of crevasse.


A small hard, solid mass which may form in the stomachs of animals such as goats or sheep.


A person who buys and sells books, particularly rare ones.


An iron bar with sliding shackles, used to fasten prisoners' ankles.


A tramp.


Breezy a collision.


A person who talks at smashing length without making much sense.

Bleeding edge

The very forefront of technological development.

Bullheaded pig

Informal a place where alcoholic drinks are sold illegally.


A swell bargain of fuss or problem.

closeup photo of cutout decors
Unsplash / Raphael Schaller


Breezy a joke that gets a loud or hearty laugh.


Informal a surprise event in a sporting result.


A rumbling or gurgling noise in the intestines.


A person who believes that information technology is possible, through meditation, to reach a level of consciousness where one tin be on air alone.


Gigantic, from Brobdingnag, a country in Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels.


Involuntary and habitual grinding of the teeth.


A drink of rum, sugar, water, and nutmeg.


A mustache in combination with whiskers on the cheeks but no bristles on the mentum.


An urge to do something inadvisable.


Having shapely buttocks.


Like a discordant band or a noisy parade.


A armed services attack carried out at night.


Melodious or resonant.


To dirge or intone a passage of religious text.

Unique Words


Convulsive or involuntary movements made by febrile patients, such every bit plucking at the bedclothes.


Foretelling the future by means of a mirror.


The study or investigation of crop circles.


Deep heaven blue.


A piece of waste matter paper produced by punching a hole.


Informal a teachers' strike.


A rooster in a fairy tale.

More Unique Words In The English Language

white and black printer paper
Unsplash / Glen Carrie

M — a 1000 things or a g years

Claggy — ialect pasty or able to course sticky lumps

Clepsydra — an early clock using the flow of h2o into or out of a container

Colporteur — a person who peddles books, newspapers, or other writings, especially bibles and religious tracts

Comess — a confused or noisy situation

Commensalism — an association between ii organisms in which one benefits from the relationship and the other derives neither damage nor do good

Comminatory — threatening, punitive, or vengeful

Concinnity — elegance or neatness of literary or artistic style

Congius — an ancient Roman liquid measure equal in modern terms to about vi purple pints

Conniption (or conniption fit) — informal a fit of rage or hysterics

Constellate — to get together together in a cluster or group

Coprolalia — the involuntary repetitive employ of obscene language

Coriaceous — like leather

Couthy — Scottish (of a person) warm and friendly; (of a place) cosy and comfortable

Criticaster — a minor or incompetent critic

Crore — ten million

Crottle — a lichen used in Scotland to make a brownish dye for wool

Croze — a groove at the end of a cask or barrel in which the head is fixed

Cryptozoology — the search for and written report of animals whose existence is unproven, such every bit the Loch Ness monster and the yeti

Cudbear — a purple or violet powder used for dyeing, made from lichen

Cupreous — of or like copper

Cyanic — bluish; azure

Cybersquatting — the practice of registering well-known names as Internet domain names, in the promise of reselling them at a profit

Dariole — a modest round metal mould used in French cooking for an individual sweet or savory dish

Deasil — clockwise or in the direction of the sun'southward grade

Decubitus — the posture of someone who is lying down or lying in bed

Deedy — industrious or effective

Defervescence — the lessening of a fever

Deglutition — the action or process of swallowing

Degust — to gustatory modality food or beverage carefully, so as to fully capeesh it

Deipnosophist — a person skilled in the art of dining and dinner-table chat

Deracinate — to tear something up by the roots

Deterge — to cleanse something thoroughly

Didi — an older sister or female cousin

Digerati — people with expertise or professional involvement in information technology

Dight — clothed or equipped; also, to make something ready for use

Discobolus — a discus thrower in ancient Greece

Disembogue — to emerge or pour out (used of a river or stream)

Disenthral — to set someone free from enslavement

Divagate — to devious or digress

Divaricate — to stretch or spread autonomously

Donkey engine — a small-scale auxiliary engine on a send

Donkeyman — a human being working in a ship'south engine room

Doryphore — a pedantic and annoyingly persistent critic of others

Dotish — stupid or airheaded

Douceur — a financial inducement or ransom

Draff — dregs or refuse

Dragoman — an interpreter or professional person guide for travellers, particularly one in countries in which Arabic, Turkish, or Western farsi is spoken

Dumbsize — to reduce the staff numbers of a company to such low levels that piece of work can no longer exist carried out finer

Dwaal — a dreamy, mazed, or absent-minded state

Ecdysiast — a striptease performer

Eunoia — beautiful thinking. This discussion comes from a Greek discussion that means well heed.

Edacious — having to do with eating or fond of eating

Effable — able to be described in words.

Emacity — fondness for ownership things

Emmetropia — the normal condition of the eye: perfect vision

Empasm — a perfumed powder sprinkled on the torso to prevent sweating or for medicinal purposes

Ensorcell — to enchant or fascinate someone

Entomophagy — this literally means the eating of insects, peculiarly by people

Erf — a plot of land

Ergometer — an apparatus which measures energy expended during concrete exercise

Erubescent — reddening or blushing

E-tailer — a retailer who sells goods on the Internet

Etui — a small ornamental case for belongings needles, cosmetics, and other articles

Eucatastrophe — a happy ending to a story

Eurhythmic — in harmonious proportion

Eviternity — eternal existence or everlasting duration

Exequies — funeral rites

Exsanguine — bloodless or anaemic

Extramundane — outside or beyond the physical world

Eyewater — W. Indian tears

Famulus — an assistant or attendant, specially 1 working for a magician or scholar

Fankle — Scottish to tangle or entangle something

Fipple — the mouthpiece of a recorder or similar air current instrument

Flatline — to die

Flews — the thick pendulous lips of a bloodhound or like canis familiaris

Floccinaucinihilipilification — the action or habit of estimating something every bit worthless (a word by and large just quoted equally a marvel)

Flocculent — having or resembling tufts of wool

Force-ripe — West Indian old or mature in certain respects without having developed fully in others

Forehanded — prudent or thrifty

Frondeur — a political rebel

Fugacious — transient or fleeting

Funambulist — a tightrope walker

Furuncle — a boil

Fuscous — dark and sombre in colour

Futhark — the Scandinavian runic alphabet

Futz — to waste material time or decorated oneself frantically

Gaberlunzie — archaic a ragamuffin

Gaita — a kind of bagpipe played in northern Espana and Portugal

Galligaskins — a type of loose breeches worn in the 16th and 17th centuries

Gallus — Scottish bold or daring

Gasconade — improvident boasting

Glabrous — (of skin) hairless or (of a leaf) having no downwards

Glaikit — foolish, or thoughtless

Gnathic — having to do with the jaws

Gobemouche — a gullible or credulous listener

Goodfella — a gangster, especially a member of a Mafia family

Guddle — Scottish to fish with one's hands by groping under the stones or banks of a stream

Habile — deft or skilful

Hallux — Anatomy the big toe

Haruspex — a religious official in aboriginal Rome who inspected the entrails of sacrificial animals in order to foretell the future

Higgler — a person who travels from identify to place selling small-scale items

Hinky — US informal dishonest, doubtable, or unreliable

Hoddy-noddy — a foolish person

Hodiernal — of today

Hoggin — a mixture of sand and gravel, used especially in road-building

Hongi — a traditional Maori greeting or salutation fabricated by pressing or touching noses

Howff — a favourite meeting place or haunt, peculiarly a pub

Humdudgeon — an imaginary illness

Hunt-and-peck — using merely 1 or two fingers on a calculator keyboard

Hwyl — a stirring feeling of emotional motivation and free energy which is associated with the Welsh people

Illywhacker — informal a small-fourth dimension conviction trickster

Incrassate — thickened in course or consistency

Incunabula — books printed before 1501

Ingurgitate — to swallow something greedily

Inspissate — to thicken or congeal

Inunct — to apply ointment to someone or something

open book lot
Unsplash / Patrick Tomasso

Jumbuck — Austral. informal a sheep

Jumentous — resembling horse's urine

Jungli — Indian uncultured or wild

Karateka — a person who performs karate

Keek — to peep surreptitiously

Kenspeckle — conspicuous or easily recognizable

Kinnikinnick — a substance consisting of dried sumac leaves and willow or dogwood bark, smoked by North American Indians

Minacious — menacing or threatening

Minibeast — informal a minor invertebrate animal such as an insect or spider

Misogamy — the hatred of spousal relationship

Mistigris — a joker or other extra menu played equally a wild card in some versions of poker

Mixologist — breezy a person who is skilled at mixing cocktails and other drinks

Mollitious — luxurious or sensuous

Momism — excessive attachment to or domination past i's mother

Monkey'southward wedding — simultaneous pelting and sunshine

Monorchid — having but one testicle

Moonraker — a native of the county of Wiltshire

Mouse potato — a person who spends big amounts of their leisure or working time on a calculator

Mudlark — a person who scavenges in riverside mud at low tide for anything of value

Muktuk — the pare and blubber of a whale, eaten by the Inuit people

Mumpsimus — a traditional custom or notion that is adhered to although it has been shown to be unreasonable

Nacarat — a bright orangish-reddish color

Nagware — computer software which is gratuitous for a trial flow and thereafter oft reminds the user to pay for information technology

Nainsook — a fine, soft cotton textile, originally made in the Indian subcontinent

Natation — pond

Nesh — dialect weak, delicate, or feeble

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Unsplash / Romain Vignes

Netizen — a habitual or dandy user of the Internet

Noctambulist — a sleepwalker

Noyade — an execution carried out past drowning

Nugacity — triviality or frivolity

Nympholepsy — passion or rapture aroused in men by cute young girls

Obnubilate — to darken, dim, or obscure something

Ogdoad — a grouping or set of eight

Omophagy — the eating of raw food, peculiarly meat

Omphalos — the heart or hub of something

Onolatry — the worship of donkeys or asses

Operose — involving or displaying a lot of effort

Opsimath — a person who begins to larn or report late in life

Orectic — having to do with desire or ambition

Orrery — a clockwork model of the solar system, or the sun, earth, and moon

Ortanique — a cross betwixt an orange and a tangerine

Otalgia — earache

Oxter — a person's armpit

Paludal — living or occurring in a marshy habitat

Pantagruelian — enormous

opened beige book
Unsplash / ActionVance

Panurgic — able or ready to do anything

Parapente — an aerofoil parachute, used for gliding

Paraph — a flourish later a signature

Patulous — (of the boughs of a tree, for example) spreading

Pavonine — to do with or resembling a peacock

Pedicular — to do with lice

Sangoma — a traditional healer or witch doctor in southern Africa

Sarmie — informal a sandwich

Saucier — a sauce chef

Saudade — a feeling of longing or melancholy that is supposedly characteristic of the Portuguese or Brazilian temperament

Scofflaw — a person who flouts the law

Screenager — a person in their teens or twenties who has an aptitude for using computers and the Internet

Scrippage — one'due south luggage and personal belongings

Selkie — a mythical sea creature similar a seal in water but human on land

Serac — a pinnacle or ridge of ice on the surface of a glacier

Sesquipedalian — (of a word) having many syllables or (of a slice of writing) using many long words

Shallop — a light sailing gunkhole used chiefly for littoral fishing

Shamal — a hot, dry north-westerly wind that blows across the Persian Gulf in summer and causes sandstorms

black framed eyeglasses on top of white printing paper
Unsplash / Sigmund

Shavetail — US military slang a newly commissioned officer, or any inexperienced person

Shippon — dialect a cattle shed

Shofar — a ram'southward-horn trumpet used in Jewish religious ceremonies and, in aboriginal times, to sound a battle signal

Skanky — informal revolting

Skelf — a splinter or sliver of wood

Skimmington — a kind of procession once undertaken to make an case of a nagging married woman or an unfaithful married man

Skycap — a porter at an airport

Snakebitten — informal unlucky or doomed to misfortune

Snollygoster — a shrewd or unprincipled person

Sockdolager — United states of america informal a heavy blow

Solander — a protective box made in the class of a book, for holding items such as botanical specimens, maps, and colour plates

Soucouyant — a kind of witch, in eastern Caribbean area folklore, who is believed to shed her skin by night and suck the blood of her victims

Soul instance — the human torso

Serein — fine rain falling after sunset from a sky where no clouds are visible. This discussion has origins in the French language.

Soul catcher — a hollowed bone tube used past a North American Indian medicine human being to keep a sick person's soul safety while they are sick

shallow focus photo of scrabble pieces
Unsplash / Gaelle Marcel

Spaghettification — the process by which (in some theories) an object would be stretched and ripped autonomously by gravitational forces on falling into a blackness hole

Spitchcock — an eel, dissever and then grilled or fried

Splanchnic — having to do with the the viscera or internal organs, especially those of the abdomen

Spurrier — a person who makes spurs

Stercoraceous — consisting of or resembling dung or faeces

Sternutator — something that causes sneezing

Stiction — the frictional forcefulness which hinders an object from beingness moved while in contact with another

Strappado — a penalisation or torture in which the victim was hoisted in the air on a rope so immune to fall almost to the basis before existence stopped with an precipitous jerk

Strigil — an instrument with a curved bract used past ancient Greeks and Romans to scrape sweat and dirt from the skin in a hot-air bath or later exercise

Struthious — having to practice with or resembling an ostrich

Studmuffin — humorous a sexually attractive, muscular human

Stylite — a early Christian ascetic who lived standing on summit of a colonnade

Subfusc — the dark formal clothing worn for examinations and ceremonial or formal occasions at some universities

Submontane — passing under or through mountains, or situated on the lower slopes of a mount range

Succuss — meaning to milkshake something vigorously, especially a homeopathic remedy

Sudd — an area of floating vegetation that impedes navigation in a stretch of the White Nile

pink and white floral ribbon on white printer paper
Unsplash / Debby Hudson

Suedehead — a youth like a skinhead but with slightly longer hair and smarter clothes

Lord's day-grazing — (of a comet) having an orbit which passes close to the dominicus

Superbious — use this to describe someone proud and overbearing

Superette — a small supermarket

Taniwha — a mythical monster which, according to Maori fable, lives in very deep water

Tappen — the plug past which the rectum of a behave is closed during hibernation

Tellurian — of or inhabiting the earth, or an inhabitant of the earth

Testudo — a device used in siege warfare in ancient Rome, consisting of a wheeled screen with an arched roof (literally a 'tortoise')

Thalassic — relating to the body of water

Thaumatrope — a scientific toy devised in the 19th century. Information technology consisted of a disc with a dissimilar picture on each of its two sides: when the disc was rotated chop-chop near a diameter, these pictures appeared to combine into one image.

Thirstland — a desert or big barren area

Thrutch — Na narrow gorge or ravine

white printer paper
Unsplash / Anne Nygård

Thurifer — a person carrying a censer, or thurible, of burning incense during religious ceremonies

Dejeuner — chiefly Indian a light meal, specially luncheon

Tigon — the hybrid off spring of a male tiger and a lioness (the offspring of a male lion and a tigress being a liger)

Tokoloshe — in African sociology, a mischievous and lascivious hairy h2o sprite

toplofty — informal haughty and arrogant

Transpicuous — transparent

Triskaidekaphobia — farthermost superstition about the number xiii

Triskelion — a Celtic symbol consisting of three radiating legs or curved lines, such as the emblem of the Isle of Man

Tsantsa — a human head shrunk as a war bays by the Jivaro people of Ecuador

Turbary — the legal right to cut turf or peat for fuel on common ground or on another person'due south ground

Ulu — a short-handled pocketknife with a wide crescent-shaped bract, used past Inuit women

Umbriferous — shady

Uncinate — (of a role of the body) having a hooked shape

Uniped — a person or animate being with merely one foot or leg

black typewriter
Unsplash / camilo jimenez

Uroboros — a circular symbol depicting a snake (or a dragon) swallowing its tail, intended as an keepsake of wholeness or infinity

Ustad — Indian an proficient or highly skilled person, peculiarly a musician

Vagarious — erratic and unpredictable in behavior or direction

Velleity — a wish or inclination which is not potent enough to atomic number 82 one to take action

Verjuice — a sour juice obtained from crab apples or unripe grapes

Vicinal — neighbouring or adjacen

Vidiot — breezy a habitual, barnyard watcher of television or videotapes

Vomitous — nauseating or repulsive

Wabbit — Scottish wearied or slightly unwell

Waitron — a waiter or waitress

Wanderlust — a potent desire to travel

Wakeboarding — the sport of riding on a curt, broad board while beingness towed behind a motor gunkhole

Wayzgoose — an annual summer party and outing that used to be held past a printing house for all its employees

Winebibber — meaning a heavy drinker

Wittol — a man who knows of and tolerates his married woman'due south infidelity

Woopie — an affluent retired person able to pursue an agile lifestyle (from the initials of well-off older person)

Wowser — chiefly Austral./NZ a puritanical, prudish person or a killjoy

Xenology — the scientific report of extraterrestrial phenomena

Ylem — (in big bang theory) the primordial matter of the universe

Zetetic — proceeding by enquiry or investigation

Zoolatry — the worship of animals

Zopissa — a medicinal preparation made from wax and pitch scraped from the sides of ships

Zorro — a South American kind of fox

Zyrian — a sometime term for Komi, a language spoken in an expanse of Russia west of the Urals; at present the concluding entry in the Oxford English Dictionary Thought Catalog Logo Mark

Unique Words Related To Photography,


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